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Panasonic Viera AR Setup Simulator: Simulasi TV Viera lewat iPhone


Ingin membeli TV Panasonic Viera tapi bingung saat hendak menempatkannya? Nah, khusus bagi pemilik iPhone, Panasonic merilis sebuah aplikasi khusus yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menyimulasikan posisi TV Viera yang ingin dibeli, langsung di ruangan Anda.

Panasonic Viera AR Setup Simulator

Caranya cukup mudah. Anda cukup mendownload aplikasi Viera AR Setup Simulator di iPhone, kemudian arahkan iPhone ke sudut yang menjadi kandidat tempat TV Viera tersebut dan secara langsung TV Viera akan muncul di bagian yang Anda arahkan. Jadi Anda langsung mendapat gambaran yang tepat apakah TV tersebut akan muat atau sesuai di tempat tersebut atau tidak. Menariknya, tersedia berbagai jenis dan tipe ukuran TV Viera yang dapat Anda pilih melalui aplikasi ini.

Aplikasi ini dapat didownload gratis di Apple Appstore dengan ukuran file sebesar 19.8MB.

Press Release

Panasonic Corporation (NYSE:PC)(TOKYO:6752)(“Panasonic”) developed “Panasonic VIERA AR Setup Simulator” using AR (augmented reality*2), iPhone application that enables to see when VIERA is setup by integrating real-time generated CG to camera captured images of real space such as living room. The distribution began on April 27, 2011.

Print out special AR markers (2 types: With Pedestal and Wall-hanging), place it where you like to setup VIERA, and look at the marker with iPhone camera that the application has been downloaded, then an image of VIERA will appear on a display. Even when you change a viewing angle, CG image of VIERA will be displayed with a correct angle as if VIERA actually exists there.

This application supports VIERA lineups that varies between countries and regions and displays a lineup according to a user’s country and region of residence. Countries and regions are free to switch.*3

The simulation results can be captured with a camera and be shared with family and friends via e-mail, twitter and facebook.

In the future, “Panasonic VIERA AR Setup Simulator” will contain the product lineups around the world as well as the languages.*3

“Panasonic VIERA AR Setup Simulator” Introduction page:


*1: Requires iPhone 3G or later, iOS3.1 compatible

*2: Abbreviation for augmented reality. Technology that appends information to real environment using computer and/or the term that refers to the environment which information has been appended to real environment.

*3: Lineups available only for the United States, Japan and Europe as of April, 2011.

Application Specification

Price: Free
Size: 19.9MB
Operation environment: iPhone3G, iPhone3GS, iPhone4, iPod touch (4th generation) / iOs higher than iOS 3.1
Language: English, Japanese

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