AplikasiiOS (iPhone/iPad)News

Membuat Musik di iPhone dengan NanoStudio

[tab: NanoStudio]

Jika Anda termasuk orang yang senang membuat musik, namun waktu Anda lebih sering dihabiskan di luar rumah sehingga tidak memiliki waktu senggang untuk berkreatifitas di rumah, NanoStudio adalah aplikasi yang tepat untuk Anda. Anda bisa menciptakan musik sesuka hati sembari menunggu sesuatu saat sedang beraktifitas, menyimpannya dan melanjutkannya lagi ketika ada waktu senggang.

Jika Anda terbiasa menggunakan GarageBand di Mac atau Fruity Loops di PC, Anda tidak akan canggung lagi untuk menggunakan Aplikasi ini. NanoStudio mengkombinasikan sampling, synthesis, sequencing dan mastering. Anda dapat menggunakan sample Anda sendiri atau merekamnya dengan menggunakan mikrofon. NanoStudio juga menggunakan syntesizer seperti Eden. Eden dapat menciptakan suara analog dari suara bass yang dalam sampai suara distorsi yang tinggi. Selain itu Anda juga dapat merekam permainan musik secara real-time dengan menggunakan key dan sample pad atau membuat pattern dan controller dengna cara menggambarnya di piano roll editor, mirip dengan piano roll editor di Fruity Loops. Dan anda bisa dengan senang hati menambah dan mengurangi setiap konten sembari lagu dimainkan. Gunakan mixer NanoStudio yang intuitif untuk memonitor level dan pastikan lagu ciptaan Anda sudah sesuai dengan yang Anda inginkan. Setelah lagu ciptaan Anda rampung, Anda bisa mengekspornya menjadi file .wav dan mengirimnya ke PC atau Mac via Wifi dengan NanoSync.

NanoStudio memiliki fitur-fitur yang tak kalah canggihnya dengan aplikasi musik yang ada pada PC atau Mac. Namun portabilitasnya meningkatkan value dari aplikasi ini. Bawa ‘studio rekaman’ mini ini di saku Anda dan berkreasilah ke manapun Anda pergi.

Trigger Pads

Compatible Devices

  • OS version 3.1.2 or later (tested on iOS 4)
  • iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4
  • iPod Touch 2G, 3G (mic recording possible with external accessory)
  • iPod Touch 1G (mic recording not available)
  • iPad (1/2x zoom compatibility mode)


  • Instruments – 4x Eden synths, TRG-16 trigger pads, 6 track sequencer, 7 input mixer with two sends
  • Insert Effects – 2 per synth (waveshaper, chorus/flanger/delay)
  • Send Effects – 2 (reverb, chorus/flanger/delay)
  • Total polyphony – 48 stereo voices
  • Buffer latency – 10ms
  • Stereo 44.1kHz floating-point signal path (only the final output is reduced to 16 bit)
  • Individually optimized for new and old hardware (chooses between VFP or NEON technology)
  • Maximum size for a single sample – 8MB (total sample memory will depend on your device)

Extra Features

  • Audio copy/paste with other compatible music apps – both Intua and Sonoma standards supported
  • Support for Line 6 MIDI Mobilizer and the Akai SynthStation25 (see Supported Accessories below)
  • Direct SoundCloud sharing straight from your device
  • MIDI file import/export

Eden Synth (x4)

  • Maximum polyphony – 8 voices per synth
  • 2 anti-aliased oscillators per voice, each with 36 basic waveforms including noise
  • Oscillators can be mixed or sync/ring modulated
  • Resonant filter per voice – low pass, band pass or high pass with 12dB or 24dB slope
  • Samples can be used in place of basic waveforms
  • 4 LFO’s, optional sync to note start/sequencer tempo
  • 3 ADSR Envelope generators (amp, filter and aux)
  • 2 X/Y controllers, 1 configurable control knob, pitch bend wheel and accelerometer input
  • Virtual patchbay for connecting controllers, LFO’s and envelopes and other synth parameters
  • 2 insert effects per synth (waveshaper, chorus/flanger/delay)
  • 192 Global presets (shared between all projects) and 64 Project specific presets

TRG-16 Trigger Pads and Sampling

  • Number of trigger pads – 16
  • Maximum polyphony – 16 voices
  • Adjust volume, pan, pitch, output bus, attack, release and loop type per sample
  • Exclusive groups for use with high hats etc.
  • Three output busses, each with its own filter and send effects
  • Load/save individual samples or whole kits
  • Upload wavs or aiffs to your device using NanoSync for Mac or Windows
  • Record your own samples using the internal mic (iPhone only) or external mic (iPod Touch 2G, 3G)
  • Resample NanoStudio’s main mix output
  • Crop and normalize samples on the device using NanoStudio’s built in sample editor with 4 levels of undo/redo


  • Realtime record with undo
  • Pattern editor and song arranger
  • 6 tracks (4 Eden synths and 2 tracks dedicated to the TRG-16)
  • Record unique parts or turn them into patterns for repetitive loops (100 patterns supported)
  • Draw note and controller events such as XY pad movements, pitch bend, velocity and accelerometer
  • Editing functions include delete, merge, copy, move, note length, transpose, clean and quantize
  • Controller editing and automation
  • Time signatures 2/4 – 7/4
  • 4 levels of undo/redo on every editing operation
  • All editing operations are possible while the sequence is playing


  • Mixer with 7 stereo inputs (4 Eden synths, 3 TRG-16 output busses), 1 stereo output and 2 stereo sends
  • 2 Simultaneous global effects sends per input (reverb, chorus/flanger/delay)
  • Stereo VU displays for all inputs and outputs
  • Offline mixdown – stereo mix, individual tracks or individual song parts

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